This page contains the list of device drivers for HP ProBook 4530s. To download the proper driver, first choose your operating system, then find your device name and click the download button. Oct 19, 2011 How to change keyboard of Hp ProBook 4530s. How to Upgrade Laptop Hard Drive to SSD without Reinstalling Windows. Laptop Keyboard Key Repair Guide HP Compaq Pavilion Replacement.
I have HP ProBook 4530s which was working as expected i.e. Ctrl keys and Fn Keys were working correctly. Now somehow these two keys are swapped and I want to restore them so that Ctrl Key work as Ctrl key. Please note that I am running Windows 7 on this machine. Any ideas? Thanks
Hennes1 Answer
Finally I was able to fix the issue following the steps mentioned below:
- Turned off the machine
- Removed both A/C power and Battery and waited for few seconds
- Attached battery, and turned on the machine..
and the issue was resolved!
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I have a Hp 4530s.
Windows Serial Key On Hp Pro 4530
It came with a 32-bit oem key Windows 7.I know my computer is compatible with 64-bit, if I use the Iso from microsoft to install a 64-bit version.
Will my oem key work?
2 Answers
You can use the license key with either a 32 bit or 64 bit Windows 7 installation (though not both at the same time, of course).
If HP did not provide you with a 64 bit installation, you can install from a retail Windows 7 DVD image. As long as you are installing the same version of Windows 7 (e.g Home Premium / Professional), your OEM key (printed on the Certificate of Authenticity attached to your computer) should work (something that is not necessarily true of older versions of Windows).
It should, If HP had provided you with a genuine copy of Windows 7.
You can get more information about this from Microsoft's website by clicking here.
Hope it works for you.