Hp Tape Diagnostic Tools

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  2. Hp Library & Tape Tools Diagnostic
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Running diagnostics on your tape drive using the TDTool. The TDTool is a Tandberg Data tape drive diagnostic tool. This tool will allow you to run various diagnostics on your tape drive to ensure that the tape drive is functioning properly.


This document contains information about various troubleshooting procedures for the HP StorageWorks LTO-4 Ultrium 1840 Tape Drive.

Diagnostic tools

HP Library & Tape Tools

HP StorageWorks Library & Tape Tools is the recommended diagnostic and support tool for the HP tapedrive product. It is available from a link on the CD shipped with the product or as a free download fromthe HP web site. It is supported on nearly all major operating systems.

HP recommends installation of Library & Tape Tools, so that it can be quickly accessed at any time. HPSupport will also request that you use Library & Tape Tools should you need to contact them in thefuture, so it is a good idea to have it installed.

See https://www.hpe.com/in/en/support.html for compatibility information, updates and the latest versionof the tool.

Troubleshooting with Library & Tape Tools

Perform the following troubleshooting with Library & Tape Tools:

  1. When Library & Tape Tools is first run, it will scan for HP tape drives and libraries on the systemand ask selecting the one to work with. At this time you can see the HBA configuration of theserver and how the devices are connected.

  2. Once the device is selected, you have a number of choices for troubleshooting.

    • Device identification: Shows part number, serial number and information about any cartridgeloaded.
    • Firmware upgrade: Allows locating and upgrading to the latest firmware. To check forand download the latest firmware from the HP web site, the server on which Library andTape Tools is running must have an internet connection.
    • Run tests: Allows executing proactive tests on the drive, such as the drive assessment test,which will verify the functionality of the drive in around 20 minutes. HP recommendsrunning this test before calling HP Support. You will need to provide a ?trusted? cartridge thatcan be written to during this test.
    • Generate a support ticket: This is a full dump of the drive logs along with interpretation andis used by HP Support to learn about the condition of the drive. Most useful is the deviceanalysis section which is the output from approximately 20 rules forming a comprehensiveanalysis of the health of the drive. These rules may give advice such as cleaning the heador trying a different tape if issues are found. The support ticket can be sent to HP Supportfor further analysis.
    • Run the performance tests: The tests to measure the write/read performance of the tapedrive and the data generation rates of the disk subsystem are also integrated into Library &Tape Tools. Use these tests to find the performance bottleneck in the system.

Performance Assessment Tools

You can use our free, standalone performance assessment tools to check tape performance and testwhether your disk subsystem can supply data at the maximum transfer rate.

They are also integrated into HPLibrary & Tape Tools, which is available both online (https://www.hpe.com/in/en/support.html) andon the CD-ROM supplied with your tape drive.

Optimizing performance

Various factors can affect tape drive performance, particularly in a network environment. In nearly allcases when performance is not as expected, it is the data rates of the disk subsystem that cause thebottleneck.

If the tape drive is not performing as well as expected-for example, if backup windows are longerthan expected-please try the tools and consider the following points before contacting HP Support athttps://www.hpe.com/in/en/support.html.

General Procedure

If a problem occurs, the first step is to try to establish whether the problem lies with the cartridge, thedrive, the host computer and connections, or the way the system is being operated.

Has the system just been installed?

There could be an installation problem:

  1. Check the power connectors and SCSI cabling.

  2. Is the SCSI ID correctly set? Is there a SCSI system conflict? Has the SCSI bus been correctlyterminated?

  3. Are appropriate drivers and application software installed on the host?

  4. Check the environmental conditions against the specified limits.

    Environmental specifications for Ultrium tape drives
    Non-condensing humidity range
    50 to 95 degrees F (10 to 40 degrees C) at a minimum of 6CFM airflow
    10 to 95% RH (non-condensing)

Are you using new cartridges or a different brand of cartridge? Have you been using the particularcartridge for a very long time?

The problem could lie with the cartridge:

  1. Check through Using Cartridges.

  2. Check that you are using an Ultrium cartridge. Compatible media can be recognized by the Ultriumlogo, which is the same as the logo on the front of your drive.

  3. Use the correct media type, for example:
    • Ultrium 1.6 TB RW* (CxxxxA) and Ultrium 1.6 TB* WORM (CxxxxA) tape cartridges foruse with Ultrium 1840 tape drives.
  4. Has the cartridge been write-protected, see the Write protecting cartridges section in Using Cartridges.

  5. Clean the tape heads with the cleaning cartridge, see the Cleaning cartridges section in Using Cartridges. Makesure you are using the HP Ultrium Universal cleaning cartridge, C7978A.

  6. Try the operation again.

  7. If the problem still occurs, try using a different cartridge.

  8. If the problem is still there, the problem probably lies with the drive or the host computer.

Has the drive been moved recently? Have any cables been disconnected and reconnected? Has theenvironment changed-unusually hot, cold, damp or dry? Has there been dust or dirt near the drive.Have reasonable precautions against static been taken?

The problem could lie with the drive:

  1. Check the cables and connectors.

  2. Clean the tape heads with the cleaning cartridge.

  3. If the problem persists, check the environmental conditions against the specified limits, see tableabove or refer to https://www.hpe.com/in/en/support.html.Perhaps move the drive to a more suitable site.

Has a new operating system been installed in the host computer? Has new backup software beeninstalled?

The problem could lie with the host or the software. Consult the computer?s operating manuals, thesoftware manual, or seek help from a service engineer.

Problems with cartridges

If you experience any problems using HP branded cartridges, check:

  • The cartridge case is intact and that it contains no splits, cracks or damage.
  • The cartridge has been stored at the correct temperature and humidity. This preventscondensation. See the insert included with the tape cartridge for storage conditions.
  • The write-protect switch is fully operational. It should move from side to side with a positive click.
  • The worldwide website for more detailed troubleshooting information:https://www.hpe.com/in/en/support.html.

The cartridge is jammed

If the cartridge is jammed or the backup application is unable to eject it, you can force eject thecartridge. Once the cartridge is successfully ejected, it is good practice to run Library & Tape Tools todiagnose the problem and to upgrade the firmware. If the failure occurs regularly, contact support at https://www.hpe.com/in/en/support.html.

Perform the following, if the cartridge is jammed:

  1. Press and hold the Eject button on the front of the tape drive for at least 10 seconds.

  2. Wait for the cartridge to be ejected. This process may take up to 10 minutes (the maximum rewindtime). It is important that sufficient time is allowed for the drive to complete this process. If youinterrupt it, you may damage the media or the tape drive. The drive is then reset as though youhad turned the power off and on again.

    You may lose data if you force eject a cartridge. The tape may also become unreadable because anEOD (End of Data) mark may not be properly written.

  3. If the cartridge is still jammed, the tape drive has failed. Contact support athttps://www.hpe.com/in/en/support.html.

Emergency reset

As a last resort, if the drive has disappeared from the system and appears to have failed, it can be resetby holding the eject button down for 20 seconds. This will allow the drive to reset its internal hardwareand potentially make it visible to a host again.

The reset process may take up to 10 minutes (the maximum rewind time) to complete.

NOTE: This form of reset will clear the internal buffers and, therefore, lose any data in them. If the drive waswriting at the time, data may be lost and the cartridge will not have an EOD, which means thatsubsequent restores are likely to fail. Discard the cartridge.

The drive will not accept the cartridge (or ejects it immediately)

The cartridge may have been damaged, for example dropped, or the drive may have a fault. If it is acleaning cartridge, it has probably expired and should be discarded immediately. For data cartridges:

  1. Check that the drive has power (the power cable is properly connected and the Ready LED is on).

  2. Check that you are using the correct media. Only use Ultrium media, see the Data cartridges section in Using Cartridges.
    • Ultrium 1.6 TB RW* (C7974A) and Ultrium 1.6 TB* WORM (C7974W) tape cartridges foruse with Ultrium 1840 tape drives.
  3. Make sure that you have loaded the cartridge with the correct orientation.

  4. Check for damage to your media and discard it if it is damaged.

  5. Use a new or known, good piece of media and see if it loads. If it does, the original cartridgeis faulty and should be discarded.

  6. Check if another Ultrium drive of the same model will accept the cartridge. If it does, the originaldrive may be faulty. Before calling support, please check that the tape drive is responding.See HP Library & Tape Tools.

HP One-Button Disaster Recovery

Click here to view HP StorageWorks LTO-4 Ultrium 1840 Tape Drive - HP One-Button Disaster Recovery.

Legal Disclaimer: Products sold prior to the November 1, 2015 separation of Hewlett-Packard Company into Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company and HP Inc. may have older product names and model numbers that differ from current models.

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Hi all, I have an old LTO4 tape drive that is giving off some errors in the Drive Assessment test.
Its out of warranty, and I'm not sure if I should bother trying to get it fixed.
It does work, but very very slowly, and also only fits around 50% of its capacity onto a tape.
I have the report below, does anyone have a good idea on whether this is worth fixing?
version: V23.03.2012
Firmware rev W62D is up-to-date for Ultrium 4-SCSI as of Mon Oct 3 19:00:00 2011.
There were 19 rules and 131 subrules checked.
Device Analysis has checked the historical information and no problems were found.
Results of tests on this drive:
1.8 m/sec. tape speed:
Data written: 3018.0 MB Metres of tape used: 309.7 Data written per metre: 9.7 MB
Effective capacity: 53.8% Limit: 80.0% Margin: -100.0%
Channel variation: 26.6% Limit: 25.0% Margin: -6.3%
2.1 m/sec. tape speed:
Data written: 3007.4 MB Metres of tape used: 338.3 Data written per metre: 8.9 MB
Effective capacity: 49.4% Limit: 80.0% Margin: -100.0%
Channel variation: 35.0% Limit: 25.0% Margin: -39.8%
2.5 m/sec. tape speed:
Data written: 3021.1 MB Metres of tape used: 353.5 Data written per metre: 8.5 MB
Effective capacity: 46.1% Limit: 80.0% Margin: -100.0%
Channel variation: 43.0% Limit: 25.0% Margin: -72.1%
2.8 m/sec. tape speed:
Data written: 3021.1 MB Metres of tape used: 366.4 Data written per metre: 8.2 MB
Effective capacity: 44.4% Limit: 80.0% Margin: -100.0%
Channel variation: 47.6% Limit: 25.0% Margin: -90.4%
3.1 m/sec. tape speed:
Data written: 3021.1 MB Metres of tape used: 376.3 Data written per metre: 8.0 MB
Tools Effective capacity: 43.1% Limit: 75.0% Margin: -100.0%
Channel variation: 51.7% Limit: 25.0% Margin: -100.0%
3.5 m/sec. tape speed:
Data written: 2265.8 MB Metres of tape used: 294.2 Data written per metre: 7.7 MB
Effective capacity: 41.3% Limit: 75.0% Margin: -100.0%
Channel variation: 38.1% Limit: 25.0% Margin: -52.5%
3.9 m/sec. tape speed:

Ibm Tape Diagnostic Tool

Data written: 2264.3 MB Metres of tape used: 318.4 Data written per metre: 7.1 MB
Effective capacity: 38.3% Limit: 70.0% Margin: -100.0%
Channel variation: 42.1% Limit: 25.0% Margin: -68.3%
4.2 m/sec. tape speed:
Data written: 2223.3 MB Metres of tape used: 342.5 Data written per metre: 6.5 MB
Effective capacity: 35.5% Limit: 70.0% Margin: -100.0%
Computer Channel variation: 46.3% Limit: 25.0% Margin: -85.2%
forward direction:
Data written: 9759.3 MB Metres of tape used: 1324.8 Data written per metre: 7.4 MB
Effective capacity: 40.0% Limit: 75.0% Margin: -100.0%
Channel variation: 89.7% Limit: 25.0% Margin: -100.0%

Hp Library & Tape Tools Diagnostic

reverse direction:
Data written: 12082.8 MB Metres of tape used: 1374.5 Data written per metre: 8.8 MB
Effective capacity: 48.3% Limit: 75.0% Margin: -100.0%
Channel variation: 1.8% Limit: 25.0% Margin: 92.8%
Overall drive margin: -100.0%
Worst-case margin (reverse direction): -100.0%

Define Diagnostic Tools

Worst-case channel variation margin (forward direction): -100.0%

Diagnostic Tools Meaning

Diagnostic Tools Wikipedia

The LTO Drive Assessment Test has checked the history and operation of the selected drive, and problems have been reported. The drive is no longer recommended for use. Please contact hp support for further assistance. Test time: 25:02 Failed