Cakephp Admin Panel Script Download Torrent

Active6 years ago
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I am looking to add some dynamics to our corporate website. This is a secondary role so I'd rather not be spending a ton of time on it.

  1. Get free CakePHP CMS script, content management PHP software for download. Logicspice offers collection of free PHP scripts and software for free.
  2. CakePHP Plugin for automagic admin using Twitter Bootstrap for CakePHP 2.x. Maldicore / Admin. This plugin uses the cake scaffolding to create admin panel.

Creating an Admin Section with CakePHP. The next step is to re-bake the blog application but this time we will include all the admin functions, fire up the 'bake' script in the command line and go through the steps of creating a controller and views for the 'Posts' model. Its a zip file containing the app folder of the CakePHP.

At this point, all I need is a simple PHP script where a non-technical user can pull up and manage the records in a MySQL table. There's only one table of data to be managed; it's just that it will be accessed and updated quite frequently.

I recall that Grails' default scaffolding feature has precisely this: list of entries with the ability to add, edit and delete, with no nonsense.

What would be the best tool to use for this? I would rather not be writing it from scratch, as this will take me quite some time.

It seems like the kind of thing that ought to exist somewhere.

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closed as off-topic by kleopatra, andrewsi, Luc M, sandrstar, madth3Aug 23 '13 at 4:27

This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason:

  • 'Questions asking us to recommend or find a tool, library or favorite off-site resource are off-topic for Stack Overflow as they tend to attract opinionated answers and spam. Instead, describe the problem and what has been done so far to solve it.' – kleopatra, andrewsi, Luc M, sandrstar, madth3
If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

4 Answers

Have a look at Xataface. It's essentially a CRUD interface to your db. It's straightforward to install, open source and can be styled to match your corporate intranet.

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for the db script, I recommend phpMyAdmin. It requires sql knowledge to do complex things, but simple operations are made friendly.

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If you are looking for similar functionality of Rails, there is CakePHP, which can automatically generate code for scaffolded views to add, edit, view and delete records.

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